
September 5, 2014

Let's Get it Started!!! The Keys to Tech Savvy Teaching!

The Keys to Tech Savvy Teaching!

As we begin this new school year, we need to evaluate our past teaching experiences,  and how effective they were.
Start by taking a moment to reflect. 

Think about last year. On a scale from 1 to 5 (1 not well, and 5 being very well) How well did you integrate technology in your classroom? The key word is INTEGRATE. Notice I didn't say how well did you USE technology in your classroom. There is definitely a difference between using and integrating.  Here are just a couple of the main differences. Using technology-- usage tends to be random, arbitrary, and sometimes an afterthought.  True technology integration is seamless, it shouldn't be viewed as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event." P.Brown
When technology is integrated, it is planned and purposeful, it is a routine part of the classroom environment. 
Questions to ask yourself: What tool did I use the most? What worked well? What didn't work? What are some things you would like to try this year? 
(Check out this chart below)

So are you a tech-savvy teacher? Complete this quiz by Edutopia to find out 
and see how you rank

When exploring new technologies, you may be looking for ways to measure how effective the integration of the technology is. One way to determine ways to evolve your instructional practice is through the SAMR model.

The SAMR model stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition
The SAMR model eliminates teachers using tech just because, it allows you to evaluate why you are using the specific technology, design tasks that enable higher order thinking skills, it engages students in rich learning experiences which should ultimately impact student achievement.

Watch the video below to learn more about the SAMR model
Read more about SAMR here
What instructional objective do your students struggle with learning? How can using the SAMR model allow your students to meet the higher levels of thinking?
Use the SAMR model to create a lesson that meets Transformation level of learning (Modification & Redefinition) Download this template to help get you started. 

Other routes to Tech Savvy Teaching....

  • Subscribe to newsletters and online magazines like EdutopiaEdsurge, or Techlearning, or Edtech to have fresh technology integration ideas at your fingertips each week. 

    • Create a Dropbox account for your classroom. Link it to iPads, or laptops in your classroom to share documents, student work, or to create a classroom album.
    • Create a classroom Symbaloo page of webmixes to bookmark resources for your students or even yourself.
    • Create a video avatar using Tellagami, or Voki to introduce topics for your kids, or as a way to introduce the classroom rules.
    Think of ways to breakdown classroom walls and collaborate
    Google Apps for Education- collaboration in the classroom & with instructor
    Back Channels  like Today’s Meet Edmodo

    Check out these social networking sites to help build your PLN (Personal Learning Network)
    Focus on blended learning to create personalized learning experiences through your professional Learning Network

    Social Networking Sites