
March 27, 2013

Mystery Skype & Why I love Twitter!

 I discovered Mystery Skype!
 Where have I been? After doing a little afternoon techie browsing, I came across a Mystery Skype lesson

For our 1st annual Digital Learning Day my school participated in Mystery Skype. Basically, two classrooms Skype each other, and ask each other questions to try and figure out where the other class is located.

How we did it?I started out be soliciting teachers who were interested, then I provided an informational session for the teachers to gain more information.

Why I love Twitter--- When I got word of this exciting experience, I quickly ran to twitter to get any and all of the information I needed. Of course there were plenty of chat tags that included #mysteryskype #skypeintheclassroom. #skype even ReTweeted me a couple of times to point me in the right direction. I went to twitter to find out ways other classrooms were using Mystery Skype, and to find a classes that were interested in skyping with my classrooms. This didn't take long, there are so many wonderful educators already on board with skyping in the classroom.
Next, I created a mini-lesson for the teacher and students to introduce them to mystery skype and how it all worked.   

The kids were so excited after that lesson!
We spent a few days practicing. I got other teachers to practice skyping with them from another building, and they pretended to be in another city, and they had to guess where they were. Everyone enjoyed it.
On the big day, I could tell the kids were excited, but a bit nervous. I just reminded them to focus on what we practiced, and they would do just fine.

Check out our video highlighting this fantastic experience!

More about digital learning day here

I was able to faciliate 6 different skype sessions on that day, and the experience was phenomenal! The students, and teachers loved it!