
January 9, 2013

Digital Learning Day

I am so excited about Digital Learning Day February 6, 2013!
It is a great preview for OB Family Tech Week!

Digital Learning Day is right around the corner.  I urge you to step up and be counted TODAY as you join the wave of innovation sweeping across our nation’s schools! Participation is free and easy and is open to all interested educators in and out of school.  As a registered Digital Learning Day participant you’ll receive exclusive information including ways to participate and tips for incorporating digital tools into your daily instruction.  Sign-up now because we will sending several interactive lessons that you can use on Digital Learning Day.  This will provide you with an opportunity to collaborate with tens of thousands of educators nationwide to celebrate the potential of digital learning right from your own classroom or school.

If you are a district leader or principal, please sign-up AND encourage your teachers to sign up as well.  We want to show the ground well of grassroots support for this event - To do that we need very large numbers. Take five minutes to sign-up NOW at  

How is our School participating?
Visit the website to sign up!

What is it?
Are you ready to improve teaching & learning through the use of digital learning? Digital Learning Day, February 6, 2013, is a national celebration of teachers that shines a spotlight on successful instructional technology practice in classrooms across the country. Participation is free and easy.   This day can consist of whatever activities we want and can be as extensive as we want.  Basically the Tech Coaches will encourage and assist teachers in setting up digital learning activities for that day. These activities can include just students, parents and/or community members. It’s a great way to help our community see how we use technology everyday.

Access Resources to get ideas!

The website has some great resources available. You can view last year’s events around the US. You have access to Toolkits for a variety of subjects that will help spark ideas. There are examples of Exemplary Model Schools that may also spark ideas.

Ways to Participate
Here are some examples that students/teachers could do: (we are no shape or form limited to this list) Think outside the box!
  • Students could put on a showcase for parents/community leaders the ways we use technology in your classroom.
  • Invite a local business person to your classroom to discuss the importance of technology in the real world.
  • Do a Challenge-Based Learning activity on technology
  • Students could start or be working on a project that integrates technology
  • Students could compete in a Digital Learning Day Poster Contest
  • SKYPE/Face Time an Author or another classroom
  • Use the iPads, Laptops, Computer Labs, SMART Boards, Clickers and more to expand the students digital learning throughout the entire day!
  • Provide tech training for staff either before school, after school, or during plan time to help teachers
Think outside the box!

Remember it’s not something extra you are adding to your plate, it's just a way to put a spotlight on the things you are already doing!
However if you are really up for a challenge!
  • Have a no paper, no pencils day - encouraging teachers and students to use hands-on, interactive and digital learning to push the boundaries and go green.

Stay tuned! I am sure to post some fabulous things in the very near future!

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