
August 11, 2012

Web 2.0 Tools

So I found this most exciting new web resource called jog.the.web
OHHHHHHH do I absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!
So its a website that allows you to share web resources within the same window.
well this is the description on the website.
JogTheWeb is a simple, ergonomic solution which allows you to create, read and share a new online media: the WebBOOK; the necessary tool to providing real turnpage briefs or binders including both personal input and dynamic pages from the web.
JogTheWeb is being used in thousands of classes around the world and the feedback has been invaluable for improving our service. We wish you an happy spring full of bright ideas.

What a great idea.
Check out the one I created Called PBrown's Fav's. A list of my favorite web 2.0 tools Check it out!

What a great resource.
Often times we talk a lot about websites that are valuable for teachers, but what about websites that are beneficial for kids. Ultimately, we want to make sure they are able to compete in this global society. Check out this link that shows some very good web 2.o tools for kids. Which ones will you introduce to your kids?
Web 2.0 Tools for Kids

I first learned of the technology Museum Box last year after attending the Midwest Technology Conference. Museum box is a very cool web resource, that kids and teachers are excited about using.
Museum box is a site that allows you to create boxes to build an argument, or description of an event, person, or historical period by placing items in a virtual box.
4th grade students  complete a historical study of a famous Missourian. They have to write a report, and create a presentation. This required  students to type a report in a word processing document, then use poster board to cut out, and paste, draw, sketch, etc.. pictures of the famous person. This method was acceptable, and it allowed the kids to perfect their cutting skills, but the question always came up well what do you do with that big poster after the project is done? I wanted to take our kids to the next level, so I suggested that they use Museum Box.
Using Museum box students were able to not only add pictures to their projects, but video and music. It is completely web based, so they could take their work anywhere there was a internet connection.
 check it out! 

Some of the best web 2.0 tools are posted on this page..think about how they could be integrated into classroom content, engaging students in classroom. Learn specific uses for Web 2.0 tools like ....

Collaboration & SOCIAL NETWORKING Tools

QR Codes

38 Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes in the Classroom
QR Code Generator

QR Codes in Education (Great resources compiled by Steve Anderson)


  by Geordie Paulus
Some of the ways to use Diigo
- To find links, lessons, and new sites to share at professional development
- To share links w/  Staff &  Students
- To work with classes of students on research assignments.
- To find other educators w/ similar interests.
- To find information about an educational topic - instead of Google!

Sqworl- bookmark organizer 

SqworlSquirrel.jpgMore Tasty than Delicious


external image gleflogo.jpg
The Vision of the George Lucas Education Foundation
"Our vision is of a new world of learning. A place where kids and parents, teachers and administrators, policy makers and the people they serve, all are empowered to change education for the better. A place where schools have access to the same invaluable technology as businesses and universities -- where innovation is the rule, not the exception. A place where children become lifelong learners and develop the technical, cultural, and interpersonal skills to succeed in the twenty-first century. A place of inspiration, aspiration, and an urgent belief that improving education improves the world we live in." (
external image logo.gif

Feed Your Screens
Wiffiti publishes real time messages to screens in thousands of locations from jumbotrons to jukeboxes, bars to bowling alleys and cafes to colleges.
You can interact with Wiffiti from your mobile phone or the web.
How can you use this?-- Students could feed in questions, or contribute to a discussion to your wall in real time- through the computer, cell phone, ipad etc.. 

Twitter & More! The Back Channel=
Hashtags are now hot linked! So searching for topics or events is easier!
Twittering, Not Frittering: Professional Development in 140 Characters
for more: Educational Twittering.Wikipage

Don't Want to Use Twitter? or is Twitter Blocked? - No need to need to join....just jump in!....Like Twitter.. a personal chat room that would be up during a class or presentation. Give participants a voice, be able to share idea without interrupting the flow....pass around resources and related links and to archive information and later...follow up resources!
It takes time to focus a back channel chat - an article By Jeff Utecht
Research paper on the Back Channel: download the Research Paper PD

Discovery Education Network

Join the DEN! Become a DEN Star Educator!
Connect, Share, Collaborate, & Transform Your Classroom with Digital Media! 

Other Tools for Getting Started:

Edublogs and Blogspot and Wordpress
Flickr and Flickr 365Libs Project
Wikispaces PBWorks to build wikis for use in instruction

Meebo Bar for embedding your social network within your wiki, blog, or webpage
Facebook Fan Page for communicating with your school's community of parents, students, and teachers
YouTube for uploading and sharing videos

The Dickens LMC Web Presence via

Glogster (ONLINE POSTERS)- Get rid of that poster board! Also, Great for creating engaging graphics and links for your wiki, blog, or webpage

  • No Sign in Required
  • Easy to share with RSS, embed codes, twitter/facebook
  • Make comments directly on the page of the poll
  •              Classroom incorporation
  • Pre-assessment tool
  • voting
  • instant feedback

weebly.png Picture_7.png Picture_6.png

Weebly has been customized specifically for educators! The video below will show you how to create and monitor student accounts. Big plus is that there are no email addresses required for your students.




A few things about Jaycut...

  • Easy drag and drop interface
  • Allows many different types of media
    • Record audio and video directly from mic and webcam
  • Hosted on the web so not tied to one computer
  • Fantastic sharing and publishing features
    • Publish to smartphones
    • Download to computer
    • Host on Jaycut server
    • Embed codes
  • Cross between iMovie and Moviemaker
  • True Web 2.0 tool with shared profile that allows for feedback




ToonDoo: Create your own comic strips, Publish, Share & Discuss

 Kerpoof website is owned and operated by the Walt Disney Company. What is Kerpoof? The answer to that is not so simple. Kerpoof is all about having fun, discovering things, and being creative. Here are just a few ways that you can use Kerpoof:
  • Make artwork (even if you aren't good at drawing!)
  • Make an animated movie (really! it's easy!)
  • Earn Koins which you can trade for fun things in the Kerpoof Store
  • Make a printed card, t-shirt, or mug
  • Tell a story
  • Make a drawing
  • Vote on the movies, stories, and drawings that other people have made

A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Share a VoiceThread with friends, students, and colleagues for them to record comments too.
Users can doodle while commenting, use multiple identities, and pick which comments are shown through moderation. VoiceThreads can even be embeddedto show and receive comments on other websites and exported to MP3 players or DVDs to play as archival movies.

View more presentations from Karen Brooks.
Ideas for educators! (similar to
  • Use as class newsletters
  • Have students use them for doing book chats
  • Practice summarizing events with a 60 second time limit
  • Classroom reporters can use voki to describe activities in the classroom. Embed the voki on class blogs, wikis, websites, and more.
  • Perfect for self-assessment purposes for foreign language classrooms.
  • Create avatars to represent students safely on-line
The Art of Storytelling
Take Digital Storytelling to the next level! 
Experience a Story: Listen to stories, read and view pictures inspired by our collections created by visitors like you.
Tell a Story: Become a storyteller as you write and record a story inspired by works in the museum’s collection.
Picture a Story: Create your own work of art using objects and characters found in some of the museum’s most noteworthy paintings.
Enjoy, and let your creativity flow through pictures and words!

Xtranormal’s mission is to bring movie-making to the people. Everyone watches movies and we believe everyone can make movies. Movie-making, short and long, online and on-screen, private and public, will be the most important communications process of the 21st century.
Our revolutionary approach to movie-making builds on an almost universally held skill—typing. You type something; we turn it into a movie. On the web and on the desktop.

PreZi- PowerPoint on Steriods!
Sign up with your teacher email account, and get 500mb of storage for Free!

Go Animate-
Go! Animate Is an amazingly flexible and addictive animation tool. it has 2 levels....customizable more grown-up version (perfect for Media, classroom, school & special event promotions) and a more elementary version called Domo for use with kids! There will also a be a school version released soon! Stay tuned for that!


a very cute and easy to use tool that makes any picture (or up to 3) talk! that's right....did i just blow your mind? it's crazy how funny & cute it is.
but honestly, using it with pics of kids looks creepy...better stay with animals, historic people and cartoons. Blabberize - Make pictures that talk!

Myths & Legends Story Creator

Myths and Legends Story Creator 2.” This site offers a completely free, extremely visual, incredibly simple, multi-media rich digital storytelling development environment that is perfect for students of all ages. Its intuitive user interface is packed with features. Take a look:
You’ve got characters and objects, the ability to upload images, text bubbles, scale, rotation & front/back controls, storyboard support, sound effects, and up to 10 “chapters” (pages) per story. There are many, many provided shapes, backgrounds and images. The site loads and responds quickly. It just WORKS! Although it is geared specifically for British myths and legends in terms of content, it could EASILY be used for MANY different subects. Their Teachers Resourcesregister your school you will have the ability to manage class logins and review and approve student work. Brilliant! Check out “Myths and Legends Story Creator 2” today! --- from Kevin Jarrett@NCS-Tech! section is organized for specific myths and legends but you will quickly see applications for your classroom and curriculum. If you


Dropbox allows you store your files online, easily share files with others, and sync your documents with multiple computers and mobile devices.
This is a must have tool for educators! It's Free, Convenient, and Saves Time!

Dropbox Demo

Drop Box

Using the Magic Pocket: A Dropbox Guide (published by MakeUseOf) - PDF
Dropbox loves schools! If you are an educator you can get double the credit for referrals. That's 500 MB per friend that you invite!
Sign up for Dropbox here and you will get an extra 250 mb of storage space.

Other file sharing tools:
WeTransfer - Free! No Registration! Send up to 2 GB files! Stores files for 2 weeks!
LetsCrate - Drag & drop file sharing.
Senduit - Free! No Registration! Upload your file (100 MB limit) and share a private link! Links active for up to 1 week!

Organizing meetings with others has never been so easy! It's FREE! No Registration!An easy way to find out when everyone is free for your next meeting or event.
Click the grid for all the times that are good for you - you get a link to email to your invitees.
They see your proposed times and click on when they are free.
You visit your results page and see when everyone can do.
No sign-up form. No password to choose. No fuss at all.

Basics of evernote tutorial


Evernote for the Educator: 
  • Easily share files through email, publishing, or private invites
  • Upload grades
  • Anecdotal records using the photo tool
  • To-Do Lists
  • Keep track of research notes by clipping websites
  • PDF are searchable with word recognition
  • Record audio bytes of lectures, play back for self-reflection purposes
  • Tagging feature and adding new notebooks helps keep you organized
  • Easily sync from multiple devices: web, desktop, mobile phone, iPad, etc.

Additional Resources: 
Ten Tips for Teachers Using Evernote
Evernote for Students- The Ultimate Research Tool
Evernote will Organize Your Life: Classroom 2.0 Forum


What is wiki? 
A wiki is a website program that allows users to edit and create any number of interlocking webpages.
  • What is good about a wiki?
Simplify editing
Easy set up of links
Simple creation of new pages
Creates a collaborative community
  • Examples of wikis in education